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Sharetchech ka Showcase di Mitex 2024 di Moskow

Milarian underingkat Kaapasan Industri Transage Track, dibumbran tina sumber di sapanjang dunya ku BronLoist.

Sharetchech ka Showcase di Mitex 2024 di Moskow

---- nawaran ekslusif, demonstrasi tinggal, sareng pangalaman leungeun!

Kami bungah ngumumkeun étaHeBei Xiongan Bagikeun Téknologi CO., LTD. (Sharetech), produsén perforasi koah anu dibasmi sareng langkung ti 15 taun pangalaman industri, bakal ngiringan dinaMitex 2024 MoscowPaméran. This prestigious event, scheduled to take place from November 5th to November 8th, 2024, at the Expocentre Fairgrounds in Moscow, is one of the largest and most influential international trade fairs for tools, equipment, and technologies. We warmly invite you to visit our booth, PAV.2.5 2E2405, where we will be showcasing a wide array of our cutting-edge material handling solutions and offering exclusive opportunities to explore the latest innovations in the industry.

Ngeunaan sharetech: warisan kaunggulan di alat bango

Di Syetetech, kami bangga janten pabrik anu khusus dina produksi sareng dijual alat bangat luhur. With a rich history spanning over 15 years, we have developed a comprehensive range of products designed to meet the diverse needs of our global clientele. Our product portfolio includes manual chain hoists, electric hoists, wire rope hoists, lever blocks, European- and Japanese-type hoists, stainless steel chain hoists, explosion-proof hoists, stackers, pallet trucks, and webbing slings. Our commitment to excellence, combined with our extensive industry experience, ensures that each product we deliver is not only reliable and safe but also crafted to the highest standards of quality. Nalika anjeun milih Sharetech, anjeun milih pasangan anu didinikasikeun pikeun nyayogikeun kualitas produk anu henteu jelas sareng kaunggulan.

Naon anu ngantosan anjeun dina stan sharetech

1. Agén demonstrasi produk sareng pangalaman interaktif

2. Pameran pangsitén nawaran anjeun moal tiasa sonoIn celebration of our participation in MITEX 2024, we have curated a selection of exclusive offers that will only be available during the exhibition. Nénjokeun ieu dirancang pikeun masihan nilai anu luar biasa, ngamungkinkeun anjeun pikeun méréskeun alat ngabuang Top-Top-Top-Top-Topening diasilkeun kalapa. By purchasing directly from SHARETECH at the event, you will benefit from factory-direct pricing, bypassing middleman markups and ensuring you receive the best possible deal. Nawaran khusus ieu mangrupikeun cara urang pikeun hatur nuhun ka anjeun pikeun kapentingan anjeun sareng kanggo ngajantenkeun usaha pikeun nyambung ka kami di jalma.

3. Kado anu misterius pikeun sémah anu harganaPikeun ngajantenkeun kunjungan ka shack kami langkung émut, kami nyumput hiji pilihan hadiah anu kami bakal masihan ka sémah. Kado ieu mangrupikeun token séksual pikeun waktos anjeun sareng minat dina Systetnech, sareng kami henteu tiasa ngantosan ngabagi ka aranjeunna. Pastikeun lirén ku StoTh pikeun mendakan naon kageluh ngantosan anjeun-anjeun moal sono kana giveawways ekslusif ieu!

Simpen tanggal sareng gabung kami di Moskow!

● Acara:Mitex 2024 paméran Moscow
● Tanggal:5 Nopémber - 8, 2024
● Lokasi:Ekspocoke Hideunghah, Moscow
● Nomer Boot:Pav.2.5 2e2405

We are eagerly anticipating the opportunity to meet with industry professionals, potential partners, and valued customers at MITEX 2024. Whether you are an existing client looking to expand your equipment portfolio or a new visitor interested in exploring what SHARETECH has to offer, we are confident yén anjeun bakal mendakan stan kami janten sumber anu berharga. Our team is prepared to engage in meaningful discussions about your specific needs, offering personalized solutions that are tailored to help you achieve your business goals.

Join us in Moscow for this exciting event, and let's explore how SHARETECH can empower your business with our state-of-the-art material handling solutions. Kami ngarepkeun ngabagéakeun anjeun ka stan kami sareng ngabagi dina suksés paméran anu luar biasa. Ningali anjeun di Moscow!

Waktu Pasang: Aug-21-2024